

华人博彩论坛 (SXU) does 不 require standardized test scores (行为 or 坐) for first-year applicants, however, applicants are encouraged to read the information below for additional important details and guidance on when sending scores may be 有利的. 

Freshman applicants for all majors (including nursing): 不需要行为或坐考试成绩. 我们鼓励学生申请并发送 their high school 成绩单 (也 as a nursing essay 护理专业申请人适用) for 审查. In some cases, after initial 审查 of your application and 成绩单, our 华人博彩论坛 Committee may request additional materials in order to make a more informed 录取的决定. Additional materials may include test scores, grades from the 大四第一学期,论文等.

While 不 required, it may be beneficial for students to send their test scores. 学生 are encouraged to send their scores if they feel the scores would add to their overall profile and see the scores as a good representation of themselves. 分数 will 不 be held against students and can only be helpful in the 审查 process!

学生 applying for nursing who scored a minimum 1060 坐 Total (or 21 行为 composite) 被鼓励发送分数. And, students applying to other programs who scored a minimum 970 坐 Total (or 18 行为 composite) are also encouraged 发送分数. 考试成绩 可以向测试机构(SXU's 行为 代码是1134和 代码是1708). We also accept scores from the high school 成绩单 也.

国际学生: International students for spring and fall have specific admission requirements and 截止日期和鼓励检讨我们的 国际学生申请要求 页面.


We've found that test scores do 不 always provide an accurate picture of a student's 学术能力. Many student struggle with test anxiety, and others may 不 have had access to test prep courses or materials in their high school. 因此,我们已经 相应地调整了我们的录取政策.

No. In fact, numerous national studies show that students' performance in high school is a better predictor of college success than a standardized test score, including a 最近的研究 来自芝加哥大学的研究人员. 我们的内部研究支持这一点 也. Many colleges are implementing and continuing similar policies. 我们的价值 the preparation students receive in our area high schools and trust the courses taken and grades are an excellent predictor of students' ability to succeed in college.

No. Our School of Nursing and Health Sciences will 审查 applicants for admission 没有考试成绩. An essay is required of all nursing applicants; it should describe why you want to be a nurse and why you want to attend 华人博彩论坛. 后 initial 审查, our 华人博彩论坛 Committee may ask for additional materials in order 做出更明智的录取决定. 然而, students applying for nursing who took the 行为 or 坐 and scored a minimum 21 行为 composite (or a 1060 坐 Total) are encouraged to send their scores now. 考试成绩 可以向测试机构(SXU's 行为 代码是1134和 代码是1708). We also accept scores from the high school 成绩单 也.

你不需要发送分数. However, it could be beneficial to send your scores. 你的分数会 不 be held against you and can only help your application! 我们会 审查 your application for admission and high school 成绩单 (and nursing essay 护理专业申请人适用). 后 initial 审查, our 华人博彩论坛 Committee may ask for additional materials in order 做出更明智的录取决定. 学生 applying for nursing who scored a minimum 21 行为 composite (1060 坐 Total) are encouraged 发送分数. 学生 applying to other programs who scored a minimum 18 行为 composite (970 坐 Total) are also encouraged 发送分数. 考试成绩可以从 测试机构(SXU's) 行为 代码是1134和 代码是1708). We also accept scores from the high school 成绩单 也.

No. 考试成绩 are 不 considered in the awarding of merit scholarships. 

学生 are 审查ed for admission based on their high school 成绩单s. 后 initial 审查 of your application and 成绩单, our 华人博彩论坛 Committee may request additional materials in order to make an informed 录取的决定. 要求的材料 may include things like grades from your first semester of senior year, an essay, 推荐信或你的考试成绩.

For high schools whose standard grading scale is a 4.0标度,我们用加权 平均绩点. This ensures that students get any additional points earned for honors, AP or IB课程. For schools whose standard 平均绩点 scale is 不 on a 4.0标度,我们先 将比例转换为4.0 scale and then use the converted weighted 平均绩点 to ensure students receive any additional points for honors, AP or IB课程.

If your scores help your application, we'll consider them. 你的分数会 be held against you and can only help your application!

No. Recruited athletes are 不 required to submit test scores and should use the guidance above to determine whether or 不 they would like test scores included in the 审查 他们的应用.